Visiting Residents at
Frampton House

We like to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere into which residents can welcome their guests and make them feel at home. Visitors are welcome at Frampton House at any time, however, we do ask, if possible that visitors avoid mealtimes. If visiting in the evening, it would be advisable to telephone beforehand, so staff are aware you are coming.

There is a Visitor’s Book in the front hallway which must be completed on arrival and departure.

Visitors may book a meal with their family member if they so wish. There will be a small charge of £5.00 per meal. Please ask a member of staff. Light refreshments are available to be taken with the Resident on request.

Residents are of course, free to go out at any time with family members and friends. For safety reasons they are requested to advise the Senior Carer on duty of their absence and of the approximate time of their return.

A resident may, at times, refuse to accept visitors and ask staff to convey their decision; please respect their right to make that choice. 

During Covid we created  a visiting "Visiting Pod"
This space is now available for residents, relatives and friends to have a comfortable seating area with tea and coffee, which is separate and private from the rest of the home.

Contact us:

Registered Manager
Mrs. Emma Harvey

Assistant  Manager
Miss. Joanne Clarke

Tel: 01205 724 216

How to find us:

Frampton House
West End Road,
PE20 1BT
View Map
© 2025 Frampton House Residential Home