Frampton House 
Aims and Objectives

Rights and Privacy

We aim to promote and ensure that Residents rights are fully advocated and that their needs are met in full.We promote the right of Residents to retain their privacy, dignity and individualism, and respect their cultural, religious and personal needs.

We provide locks on Residents Room doors so that they may enjoy the pleasure of being alone and undisturbed.

We ensure the confidentiality of information that the home holds about the Residents.

We guarantee privacy when using the telephone, opening and reading of mail and communicating with friends, relatives or advisors.

To provide individual Residents with the physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological care they require. This may be provided from within the home, by relatives or by involving outside agencies. This should enable the Resident to remain at Frampton House unless specialist medical attention is required.

To provide means by which families can maintain an active interest in the well being of their relatives, including involvement in their day-to-day care.

To provide each Resident with an individual plan of care, with their involvement. This is reviewed regularly and updated when necessary.

To provide an environment where, through individual and group discussions, the ideas and concerns of residents, their relatives and staff, are recognised and acknowledged.

To provide Residents with a means by which their complaints are listened to, taken seriously and appropriately responded to.


We aim to preserve Residents dignity by helping them to present themselves to others, as they would wish, through their own clothing, personal appearance and their behaviour in public.


We support individual Residents within the home, to enable them to maintain maximum independence so as to ensure the best quality of life.

Health and Social Care

On admission to the home, the homes Care Coordinator is responsible for agreeing a Plan of Care with the resident. This plan includes details of the Residents preferences with regards to how they would like to be addressed, their care needs, and what dignity, respect and privacy means to them in terms of their chosen lifestyle.

A resident’s care needs will be assessed prior to admission, on arrival any updates will be fully documented, and the care plan reviewed regularly thereafter. This will ensure that our dedicated team of care staff can meet all your care needs.

We respect your personal feelings

Individual personal care such as assistance with bathing, dressing and medication is an integral part of our service and this is always given with the utmost regard and respect for the personal feelings of the resident.

Our experienced, well trained and carefully chosen team of staff members will ensure the highest standard of care for all. Staff will discharge their duties to a high standard ensuring privacy, dignity, independence and choice.

For those residents who are not as steady on their feet as they once were, our care staff will assist them when moving around the building, to/from the bathroom and generally as required.

If a member of the care staff believes that a resident requires additional medical attention, they will report to the Senior Carer in charge of the shift who will liaise with the resident’s G.P.

The care plan will include an assessment of possible risks to the Resident and, where appropriate, a plan for the management of these risks, details of the Residents health care needs, medication, G.P. and any other community or therapeutic services provided.

The home is committed to the regular review of care plans in accordance with the National Care Standards.

There are many G.P. practices in the Boston Area who support the home. Residents can, of course, retain the services of their own G.P. if he/she is prepared to visit the home.

The home uses Specsavers, who provide eye tests and glasses to Residents. The Resident may wish to keep the services of their own Optician; if they can access them, the same applies to a Dentist. Family support for these and such things as hospital appointments is greatly valued.

A Chiropodist visits on a regular basis, usually every six weeks; Residents pay for this service.

A hairdresser visits the home weekly; Residents pay for this service.

We gift each new resident a welcome basket full of toiletries on their admission to the home. However, thereafter the resident or family members need to provide toiletries.

Contact us:

Registered Manager
Mrs. Emma Harvey

Assistant  Manager
Miss. Joanne Clarke

Tel: 01205 724 216

How to find us:

Frampton House
West End Road,
PE20 1BT
View Map
© 2025 Frampton House Residential Home